Sunday, July 12, 2020

A photograph

Hi! This is one of my favorite photos particularly special to me, since it reminds me an end of year school trip witch my school friend. We went to the beach to celebrate that we graduated from the 8° grade, it was 2013, I remember that day was amazing. That photo is a very nice postcard, it was taken in an abandoned house, it has a wonderful sea view, the photo was taken by a friend. We were five friends (I'm the purple sweater). After taking that picture in the evening, we went to dinner, there was a campfire, music and rich food. I remember having a great time on that trip. We dance, sing, laugh and have had a fun night out. It was important to me. Then we were tired and went to sleep, in the morning we got up to go the beach and saw the sunrise from our room. It was a very nice trip with my friends.

1 comment:

  1. A good image of a unique moment with friends. I hope you are still in contact with them and can make more unforgettable memories.


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